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Accessibility Audit

At any time, around 20% of people live with some form of disability, whether temporary (e.g. a broken arm or eye infection) or permanent (e.g. paralysis or blindness). This is 20% of your potential users, but you can only reach them if your product respects and supports accessibility.

On the EU market, work software, digital public services, and a wide range of consumer products and services from private companies are legally required to be accessible, especially under the upcoming European Accessibility Act (28 June 2025).

Our Accessibility Audit is the best way to get started, get ready, address your market, and avoid legal headaches.

An accessibility audit that works for you

Our accessibility audit is conducted by expert auditors who know your business goals and constraints. We can see the big picture and provide well-aimed, efficient, prioritized recommendations for quick improvement within your business reality. Automated accessibility checkers cannot do this. They usually work only for websites, can only identify about 60% of the issues, and cannot provide an expert’s level of accuracy and insight. Automated checkers leave you alone at the most crucial step: prioritizing issues for quick results with minimum effort.

Our accessibility audits are your best resource to ensure your software and digital assets meet the accessibility requirements of markets and governments.

Insights to diagnose, cure, and prevent

Depending on your industry, use case, and goals, our experts will recommend the best accessibility standards, norms, and guidelines that must be fulfilled for addressing digital inclusivity and compliance.

Our expertise with software accessibility and usability allows us to tackle complex software, not just websites. With a meticulous examination of your software and digital platforms, we identify accessibility issues and suggest solutions. We also identify general causes and trends and help you understand why these problems happened in the first place. All our findings are presented in actionable reports customized for developers and management.

Actionable deliverables for each stakeholder

A Factorsixty accessibility audit empowers clients to understand accessibility issues and take corrective actions.

Our audit reports include guidance, strategy, and advice at both the managerial and the developer level about how to best achieve your goals within your target time frame.

Our detailed accessibility report for the developers is importable directly in Jira and other issue trackers so your team can work without friction. Our additional, condensed, manager’s report provides analysis and recommendations for short, medium, and long term actions.

We are happy to communicate our findings in a presentation or workshop with teams and stakeholders, and to help you get everybody on the same track.

Accessibility as part of product development

Accessibility requirements are complex and should be taken into account as early as possible. However, we know that software comes with a past and with technical debt. Our expertise is your best tool to find and correct accessibility issues even at the late stages of project development.

We will be happy to help you prioritize accessibility issues for maximum impact, perform user tests, advise on your accessibility strategy, or help you measure progress with periodic accessibility audits.

Scientific and normative basis

Our accessibility audits are based on guidelines and norms recognized worldwide, such as:

  • the ISO 9241 – 171 standard and the WCAG2ICT guidelines, which focus on accessible software applications, including desktop software and other business tools
  • the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which provides a comprehensive framework for accessible web content
  • the European Accessibility Act and the EN 301 549 standard, which specifically addresses accessibility requirements for the EAA and other legal requirements in Europe
  • the ADA / Section 508, the equivalent legal framework for the US

Frequently Asked Questions about accessibility audits

Is an accessibility audit the same as a WCAG Audit?

A WCAG Audit is an accessibility audit that is based on the WCAG guidelines, as compared to other standards such as ISO9241-171, EN 301 549, etc. The actual standard or norm that is best for your case will vary according to your requirements and goals.

How long does an accessibility audit typically take?

The duration of an accessibility audit depends on the complexity and size of your software application. It can range from a few days to several weeks. Our team will provide a tailored timeline based on your specific requirements.

Can an accessibility audit guarantee compliance with accessibility regulations?

Compliance with accessibility regulations oftentimes requires an ongoing accessibility process, not a point-in-time measurement. Our accessibility audit gives a solid foundation to start meeting the regulations and significantly improves your software’s accessibility. We will be happy to accompany and guide you along the process. Tell us your needs and targets and let’s make it happen!

Are accessibility audits only relevant for businesses in the EU?

The upcoming EU Accessibility Act affects every company that wishes to sell certain products in the EU market, no matter where the company is headquartered.

Beyond the legal requirements, accessibility makes sense for all companies, purely from a market perspective. Up to 20% of people – 20% of your market – have a disability at some point in time. You can’t afford to let that market share go to competitors.

Questions? Thinking about it? Ready to start?