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Overview of our services

Usability and user-centered research and development are crucial for any project. We are happy to help you understand your users and do usability right. We can also help increase your team's competencies so they can learn to recognize and correct mistakes early and fast by themselves.

Usability & UX Consulting

Usability goes deeper than a pretty interface. It touches upon and defines requirements, information architecture, content, product quality, and much more. It takes a lot of training and experience to organize the development process with usability in mind. That is where our role as usability consultants is crucial. We help you embed usability into your development process, we work with your marketing, designers, and developers to analyze your customers’ needs and suggest you the most efficient approach.

Our consulting encompasses the complete development process: user and context studies, defining roles, needs and requirements, defining appropriate development methods and guidelines, and training your team to understand and embrace the improved process.

Thanks to our varied backgrounds and fields of expertise we see problems from multiple perspectives, including business, computer science, usability engineering, psychology, and graphic design. This results in a clear understanding with direct impact on the bottom line.

Usability and UX Workshops

The benefits of usability are visible very soon after our involvement. However, the best results are achieved when your development team also understands the principles of usability and can spot mistakes themselves. This guarantees a sustained improvement that continues long after our involvement.

We offer you in-house trainings and workshops that are custom made for your needs and your team. Periodically we also organize general-access workshops on our topics of expertise.

Our 3D Printer

Standard, validated questionnaires

Standardized, scientifically validated tests and surveys, when done right, are a valuable tool for understanding your customers and employees and a fast-track to uncover both problems and opportunities.

We will be happy to listen to your needs and the questions you want answered. Then we suggest the right questionnaires for you and carry them out in a statistically and scientifically meaningful way, ensuring the validity of the results. Finally, we analyze and interpret the responses for you in a report, meeting, or video call. With our expertise you can save your employees’ time and avoid miscommunications, without sacrificing the quality of the results.

(By the way: we don’t need and don’t ask for personal data, so you will not have data protection headaches!)



Prototyping is the best way to get feedback on a design fast and at low cost. It is also an essential part of usability engineering. Interface prototyping enables you to do user testing with very low cost and before you have designed an architecture or written a single line of code. This way your architecture will be well-prepared to fulfill all of the users’ needs; your development and lifecycle maintenance costs will also be cut by 60 to 150 times.

We can accompany you through the entire process of prototyping and design thinking. From low fidelity to high fidelity, digital or physical — we work with a wide variety of tools and methods. From pen and paper to wireframing and simulations up to 3D printing with our Prusa i3, we will have just the right thing for you to test early, test often, and save tons of money, time and nerves.

Our 3D Printer

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